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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  October 18, 2017 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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that would be part of our report months before and before we interviewed president bush or reagan or carter that's standard practice. these reports are hard to draft and they take time. so the fact there's a circulating draft in may before a final draft in july is not at all surprising. another thing i thought was important from the hearing that the conversation between democratic senators and sessions is this, sessions was asked is it true the president is expected to be in districts where you are subject of inquiry, new york, florida, district of columbia around seemed as if the answer was he may be. that's something to keep our eye on, the notion that the president would potentially be vetting people who would then
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have jurisdictions as a law enforcement matter over his cases is a serious concern. >> okay. hey, ken, i want to get this in because i think it's important. at the hearing today, just the latest in a busy week for various russia investigators. speak with former chief of staff last week and former white house communication director yesterday. and today meeting with former campaign manager was interviewed by the intelligence committee does it feel to you that the russia investigation is picking up steam here. >> i'd be shocked if he didn't sam reinhart all if he didn't interview all of those people. however people think how robert mueller handles his job no one doubts he is the at the top end
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of his profession he will go through every name on that list and i'd be surprised if he didn't talk to them. this is going to proceed forward. nobody wants it to linger. let's see what he has to see and what his conclusions are. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. it's a little past 11:00 on the east coast. white house waging war over comments you first heard here last night. frederica wilson saying president trump told the widow of la david johnson who last his life in the niger raid, quote, he knew what he signed up for but i guess it still hurt, as the president feuds with the congresswoman, john mccain said donald trump is not being up front about the four dead soldiers were am bushed, is this
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the president's benghazi and when will we know the truth about what happened. let's get it to it here with our analysts. good evening to all of you. you spoke with cia director what good he say about the past 48 hours and the message that's been coming from the white house about the four fallen soldiers in niger? >> i listened to former director brenn an speak for more than an hour this is a director that served multiple administration through the years. i will run through few of the headlines, overall situation under trump, he said from his view it's a great cause for concern about stability in the world from the perspective of u.s. leadership. on the iran deal the president is either woefully ignorant or willfully misleading to the american people.
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regarding the american allies saying the transatlantic lives are in crisis. regarding north korea put the chance of military conflict over 25%. that's a few of the headlines in an hour of him talking about his impression of the u.s. foreign policy in the national security space under trump. i asked a question about trump's handling of fallen u.s. soldiers in niger. remember he went in the first ye days of his presidency stood in front of the wall seen as disrespect in light of that, i said how did you few his handling and he gave a very heartfelt emotional response, have a listen. >> mr. trump has his own way of dealing with things that i see as inconsistent with what some
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of his predecessors have done and how they have treated it and i'm not going to dignify in anyway some of the comment that's have been made which i think does not underscore the importance, significance and sacrifice of these individuals. so i think it would just behoove everyone to treat this in a manner that really is as respectful as possible. >> that was restrained, frankly. john brennan there, earlier in his answer to my question, he lambented the lack of a presidential response to these things, in this environment many folks label people, including form he director of the cia as political but a reminder, he was in the cia since 1980, republican and democratic. >> as i understand the white
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house drafted a response that was never delivered why is that. >> was confirmed by my colleagues in the white house. they drafted a response october 5th the day after these four soldiers died. originally in the name of the president and the first lady then the white house tells us it would be more powerful to elevate it to have it delivered by sarah sanders the white house press secretary, i don't understand that justification, what could elevate it more than the president's lip. regardless of that judgment the president himself said nothing about these four fallen soldiers for 12 days, nearly two weeks after they died. why is that? he commented via twitter and interactions with journalisms and opportunities to release printed statements he commented on everything from the nfl to bob corker, why not on these
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fallen soldiers. it's a low bar for the president's most weighty duties which is commenting onto ultimate sacrifice. >> why would the white house draft a statement and then not give it and then use the excuse it would be more powerful for the press secretary to deliver it rather than the president of the united states. >> honestly, i think that was a mistake, there is no why for that. i think the president giving out that statement is going to be more powerful, plain and simple. to have that come from a spokesman or press secretary seems less powerful. the higher up it comes from the more power it has, so this was a miscalculation and a mistake. >> general i would like your response, what's going on here? >> i doesn't know, don but i think we're talking a lot about form versus substance and truthfully when the president had his initial statement on
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monday where he started off in a very good way commenting on the death of sergeant johnson and then he twisted and started blaming or suggests president obama didn't do the kind of things he did, that was shameful, that's the word i used the other night on cnn now i will say this has turned into something that is disgusting. sergeant johnson is a member of the family, when you're talking about the military, he has a family that's mourning and that is grieving his death. to have politicians on both sides, both the democratic and republican sides making this into a volleyball in terms of what the president's doing or what the president's not doing, and truthfully, i have to say this, don, having the media chase this story and use sergeant johnson and his widow in the middle of it, to me, it's disgusting. this is a member of my army family. we have to wrap our arms around
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the widow and her children and make sure that they are protected. we can debate what the president did or didn't do, that's one thing, but when we're bringing the family member into it, the widow and her children into it, that's just wrong in my view and we've got to knock this kind of stuff on. it's contrary to what we do in the military. >> hey, listen, i think you're exactly right. if you watched this program tonight from start to finish the focus of the questions is what happened over there to cause these men to lose their lives, that's been the focus of this conversation, so i think you're exactly right. and what took this administration so long. did that have anything to do with it, maybe they thought this was a hot button issue they didn't want to touch. maybe that's why the president in this administration had a statement drafted, didn't deliver it, because they wanted to stay away from it. >> i think they were trying to figure out what happened before
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they had the president make a statement about something that maybe turned out to be an incident that happened because of an error of someone on the ground. i think they were trying to get more facts about what happened before having the president have what is a searing conversation for a grieving family, something that is etched in their mind. i would like to think that what they wanted was all the facts. now, those conversations are tough. i've had them. i know the general, the colonel have both had them, and you sometimes say the wrong thing. and you can see it from the spasm of pain that goes across the face of the family of the fallen who you're talking to. but what you do then is you try to say you're sorry, try to make up for it, somehow honor the fact that you were trying to say the right thing but you just caused them more pain, that's what we haven't seen from the
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president yet and i think that's what could inject a certain amount of healing into this situation that has really sn snowballed and these families can only imagine what they're going through. right now it's a political football. >> they're watching it play out onto news. they really do want answers. speaking of that this has been the deadliest combat incident since president trump took office. what go we know about the affiliated attack on october 4th. more to the point john mccain senator of the armed service committee what's he want to know. >> he said in so many words today that the administration has to be up front. john mccain has an over sight responsibility on this and he says they've not been given the information that they need to have. these are the real questions
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here. beyond the president's handleding of this, is why did these troops die. did they have the support that they needed. this is an outpost of the u.s. military. how many americans knew before this that there were american service members in niger. i bet not many. why are they there? because they're affiliates of isis battling now. the group carrying out this attack is called islamic state in the sahara. last year they changed flagged to join former jihadist group now under the isis flag. regardless why are service support there. there were questions about relying on french air assets and relying on a private contractor for evacuee uation. is that enough for u.s. troop
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who's come under fire. who should be held accountable the general on the ground or the president. are there enough resources, those are the questions to answer. >> how could sergeant la david johnson's body been left behind for 48 hours? >> there's three buckets full of questions that need to be asked, the strategic question do we have these men and women in the right place for the right reason, and operationally, where were these asset that's maybe they could have used, intelligence and logistics and evacuation assets, and then tactically, what happened on the ground. a fire fight there's nothing like it to compare in the human experience, it's terrifying, fast-paced, confusing, often bloody, there's screaming, dust and heat all these things happening.
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these combat will never leave anyone behind but sometimes confusion become so much you don't know what happened until sometimes the dust settles. >> you got a couple initiatives in the heart of africa, one is chad basin initiative five countries training five african nations they have been going after boko haram and another organization have formed and gelled into this new group jim just said, isis in the sahal. what's interesting is when you talk about five or six or seven special service soldiers with company of fighters you're going to have confusion coming under fire with 50 insurgents with rocket propelled grenades. in iraq i had a soldier who went
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off in the bushes and wasn't found for six hours and he died. those are things when you talk about getting people out of there, retro grading trying to fight the enemy someone may get left behind. on october 5th african command started an investigation on this. 15-6 type investigation was started and all of that is taking place right now to look at the things jim mentioned, did they have the right support and conduct the right risk mitigation before they went out, did they have a good feel for intelligence. the kind of investigation that goes none an issue like that is unbelievable intense and always occurs when there's a death of an american. that is taking place right now. >> thank you all. we want to pay tribute to these four men. thank you so much. it all began, this whole narrative with the congresswoman really we really want to honor
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these folks. sergeant la david johnson is one of four u.s. soldiers who lost their lives on october 4th in niger where they were helping local forces fight terrorists. dustin wright was 29, came from a family deeply roots in military service back to 1812, this being the first service member they lost in their family. and jeremiah johnson was a chemical and nuclear specialists who earned dozens of awards and leaves a wife and two daughters. sergeant bryan black was a medic who was 35, he communicated directly with the people, he is survived by a wife and two sons. and 25-year-old la david johnson who lost his mother as a young boy, was raised by relatives, married his childhood sweet heart, he is survived by his
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troops and their families, one of the most solemn duties of american president, yet donald trump's phone call to the wife of la david johnson ended up putting a headache on swid joining us now, i want to play a clip of the president. >> didn't say what that congresswoman said, didn't say it at all, she knows it and she now is not saying it. i did not say what she said. and i'd like her to make the statement again because i did not say what she said. i had a very nice conversation
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with the woman, the wife who sounded like a lovely woman, did not say what the congresswoman said and most people aren't too surprised to hear that. >> why even go there? why? we don't want to put the families -- shouldn't the commander-in-chief understand not to put the families in the middle of this, what did you think of that. >> i was appalled by it but not surprised. of course he should step away, there's nothing to be gained by it. i think the key point is that donald trump can't step away from it. this is a person psychologically and emotionally not well. he's not stable. it's not just this incident, this is one of a series of incident there's data point after data point in the campaign and during the presidency. this is a president who has a
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disordered mind. he's impulsive and individual iktive. individual iktive. vindictive. even when it is not in the best interest of the president, he continues to do it. there's no strategy. this say person not in command of his emotions and feelings and actions. >> i don't take the words of general lightly, he said it is disgusting. i agree with him this is part of the job as a president and maybe we should consider that before we go to the polls. >> absolutely. i used in three administration. >> the last three republican administration. >> yeah this is extremely important, your commander-in-chief is sometimes your pastor in chief. sometimes it is duty of the president to bring healing grace to people who are wounded and in
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pain and in sorrow. president trump not only can't do that, he takes these wounds and makes them deeper and wider and creates more pain, not less. that's important because it's deeply painful for the families. it also tears at the civic and social fabric of a country. >> why is he continuing to dig deeper and picking fights, michael, do you understand it? >> i don't think it is a part s partisan matter. presidents from both parties have been inconsistent in moments of comforting people in tragedy and loss. for donald trump there's a consistent thing in his background if anything is consistent and that's that his initial thought is always to do the thing that he imagines will profit him. so that first question that he answered at the rose garden
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meeting on monday was about what happened in niger. and his response was to deflect a little bit and then go to this conversation about what president obama may have done or not have done and what other presidents did. and i'm not sure that he's ever aware of how he's being heard by people who don't agree with him. >> even people who do, even his own supporters, this is a bridge too far. listen, i want to get this in because i think it's important. the washington post reporting tonight the president told one gold star father he would write him a check for $25,000 after the man was killed >> that's a strange thing to respond with cash to someone's grieve.
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grief. in that conversation what was reported by the father was they bonded over the issue of wives whom they divorced and how troublesome they could be. this is a very crass level to bond with another man at the moment they're talking about a deceased son. it's beyond our experience as humans who don't respond with money to every question and don't respond defensively with every inquiry u the president has a problem in both these areas. >> there was a many post put out by the white house -- you think it's a coincidencoinc?
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what do you think is deflecting, it's the media president obama, it's always somebody else. is it a coincidence that check was mailed the same day the story came out. >> no there were other charitable gifts that weren't delivered until the post was going to go with the story. so it's really weird and odd that he would make the offer and then that he wouldn't do it until the post called him on it goes to a sort of deeper pathology. what strikes me about donald trump is there's nothing sacred for the man. and that almost everything he touches is degraded. and these people are in tremendous amount of pain and they need somebody to help come alongside them and instead he's making everything worse for them. >> peter, michael thank you so much for your insights. american service members killed
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nfl commissioner roger goodell saying players are not trying to be disrespectful when they kneel during the national anthem also saying this. >> we believe everyone should stand for the national anthem, that's an important part of our policy and important part of our game that we all take great pride in. >> i want to bring in former nfl players chris and marvin, good
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evening to both of you. president trump took aim at the nfl saying it will not force players to stand for our national anthem total disrespect for our great country. nfl too much talk, not enough action, stand for the national anthem. as someone who was on "the apprentice" when donald trump was a host, why do you think he's spending so much time on the nfl, do you think is a distraction. >> no this has been around quite some time, since last year, i do think that president trump is highlighting this because nationalism is eroding in this country. that's just what i see. that's my opinion. the reality is what the national anthem represents is the fact that 1.1 million american soldiers have given their lives in defense of the freedoms we enjay and revere in this country. those freedoms are celebrated by singing the national anthem.
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it is the one time all of us can stand shoulder to shoulder and proclaim and love the fact we live in this amazing country that affords us the right to protest whatever we want. >> doesn't it also afford you the right to protest and right of the first amendment and freedom of the speech and expression. if you use the same thing about nationalism and support the national anthem shouldn't you do so for the people who have the right to take a knee as well, to basically bring attention to a important subject to them. >> it's just confusing, because you're protesting during the one thing that allows you the right to protest in the first place. >> are you taking patriotism is eroding or nationalism. >> i look at nationalism as patriotism. what scares me the most, where are we 20 years from now, are we
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no longer singing the national anthem because we're not going to dee to deal with this protesting thing. >> good question, why do we sing at a game. it is not a military event. if you play a national anthem when a soldier sadly comes home in a casket, everyone should stand for that. but at a sporting event, basketball, baseball, soccer, we know we're on american soil who cares. >> because sports is recognized as one of the great unifiers of the world not necessarily the country or people. >> great point, it's a great unifier but these men don't feel they have the same rights in a country that is supposed to be unified, the united states of america as everyone else is. >> i'm not arguing the merits of their protest, i'm arguing when they are doing it. they sthard not protesting the national anthem then score another time, take a knee when
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you score a touch down. >> if you believe in the constitution and everything you say about the anthem how can you tell another citizen how and when to protest. that's unamerican. >> it is not unamerican. i take offense to that. >> i'm a bold american. >> you may be bold but that's misguided, even if you dependent agree with it, you should fight for the right for others to do whatever they want. that's what the constitution said. >> sure and at one point 1.1 million americans died for us to do whatever we want. >> in north korea they're told they have to stand. >> they're told not even to whisper. >> we're not in north korea under a dictatorship. >> we celebrate that fact by standing shoulder to shoulder. >> you're not making sense. this is not a dictatorship. tote alitarian country you can't tell people when to stand and when not to otherwise we would
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be living in north korea and kim jong-un would be our leader. >> thank god we're not. >> exactly. >> thank god we can sit here on public television -- skbr i'm not going to tell you as a american that you should stand or san or sit and tell you how to protest. that's the height of me being arrogant, you don't tell other americans how to be americans, how to protest, you don't tell me what to do with my body, what to do when some song is played. that's unamerican. >> some song? >> yes i. >> i don't look at the national anthem as some song. it is a symbol. >> exactly it is a symbol. the living part of the national anthem is that people can stand or kneel or lay down or get a beer or get chicken wings or do whatever they want.
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that's what freedom is about. >> i agree but celebrating freedom is having this one moment we can all stand shoulder to shoulder with our hands on our heart and proclaim. >> that's when you do with the pledge of allegiance you don't have to can that with the national anthem, matter of fact it's not in the rules of the nfl. >> so why don't you take a knee. >> because that's how i feel. you may feel something else as and american, it is not my right to tell what you to do. that is what being an american and patriot is, to fight for the right for somebody else even when you disagree with them. freedom of speech is for speech and actions you disagree with. that's why it is there. i got to let marvin get in. i'm sorry, i've been going on. this is driving me crazy ever since it happened. >> i totally disagree with that. when would you like for us to protest. you know with black lives matter
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it was too violent. should do non-violent protests and it was dieing down until donald trump saids hold my beer three weeks ago in tennessee and reignited it. it's not about disrespecting the soldiers or the flag, it's about criminal justice refor. reform. and addressing racial inequal y inequality. that's what it is about. mihok my dad was a world war ii vet and he's buried in the national cemetery right now but i bet you he would fight and go to war for these players to stand, sit or whatever they want. that's what it is about. you want it mandatory go to north korea, there's plenty of countries it's mandatory. >> by the way i'm not arguing
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the merits of the protests. >> yes you are, where do you wan want us to protest? >> take a knee when you hit the end zone. >> it's about making the comfortable uncomfortable. where do you want us to protest. >> don't do it during the national anthem. do it else where. >> you can't say that. you're going down a slippery slope, if you believe in the first amendment you going to make them stand for the national anthem and the next president may say i don't like guys with tattoos and long hair, i demand they get their haircut and cover their tattoos. so he's going to come after football players and next he's going to come after you. >> thanks you guys. we'll be right back.
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possible violence ahead of a speech in gainsville. spoke with their mayor. >> we can't afford to play the word game. we need to protect public safety. we know on charlottesville and on social media there are folks from the alt-right to come here and the term make gainesville a g battle ground is out there. we need to keep our citizens safe, and keep their right to
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free speech protected. that's what we're going to try to do. >> angela, the mayor of gainsville prepare forge the worse. you say it's a man made disaster. >> i think charlottesville is case in point. if you have folks agitated and amped up and gened up by leadership in this country i think it is man made it is a situation where we know what this country was established upon. i think many of the reasons why folks are taking a knee per your last segment has everything to do with white supremacy in this country and it is man made. these are choices . if white supremacy is a choice and folks can lean into this ideology you can also choose to lean into the violent rhetoric. >> are you saying they shouldn't be allowed to, because that's also a violation of their
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rights. >> i think there's a difference when speech incites violence. >> i don't think it is a free speech issue. i think the university of florida should be free to host richard a platform. the school had to spend more money on security. >> $500,000. >> yeah i want the university of florida to make the academic case why richard spencer needs to come to campus because other universities have declienedecli. if someone wants to talk it about their ideas should be in an academic setting where it could be debated intelligently and students are taught it's dangers. what's more offense richard spencer is picking his media of event.
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i can't imagine why university of florida is letting him do that. if he gets to speak because of his first amendment rights should also be afforded to journalists who could cover it in an intelligent way. >> as a tax payer thinking the federal government is going to spend $500,000 to protect had individual, i think the president of the university of florida made a good statement and said don't give this guy any attention. shut the fire down by not giving it attention. the more people that turn out and more the media, you're show is highly viewed, he is getting millions of dollars of free publicity, quite frankly i didn't know anything about it until this segment tonight and did homework on the individual. it encourages people to follow him and give him a bigger platform than he really deserves. we're going to take a break. one school changing its name.
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back now with my panel. we have been talking recently about the debate over the commemoration. jefferson davis in jackson, mississippi changing its name next year. barak obama il elementary school. that's according to the "washington post." the process started when one of the elementary school students had a conversation with her mom about jefferson davis. that's going to be a firestorm or it already is. >> i love it. i think it's so good. if this country is really about pursuing the american dream and ensuring that we understand our history so we don't repeat it, this is a great way to do it.
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there were some really treacherous aspects of jennifer davis' character. what a better way to rename it than with the first black president. >> you know, i think it's hard -- this is the reason why with the monument issues polls really well. it's hard to go back and change institutions that people feel attached to, especially if it's like a road name, a school. so if you went to jefferson davis elementary and that's -- there's a lot of people that don't think about it and all of a sudden it's taken away, it's just a little bit sad for some people. and i understand the need to change it, but i do wish the school -- i wonder if they made that consideration or if they tried to made a nod to preserve some of it so people don't feel that loss even though it probably is time to update things. >> i know you don't agree with that, but i've got to get andre in. what do you think? >> i just don't believe in revisionist history. i think if you try to do away with history that you don't get
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-- to make sure you don't forget it and there are things that we should not be proud of in this country but to wipe it out and not teach people about it and immediately react i think is wrong of the and of course i definitely don't want you to do away -- >> fake news. >> remember why we don't have them and fall into that trap again. >> you have -- >> i do. i'm just going to be really quick. so i don't really care if slavery and their abolishment makes people sad. amanda, because you make it fluffy and feel good doesn't make it more digestable to me and my ancestors. i've got to disagree with you on that. >> we'll disagree. things like this, changing institutions is hard. i'm not saying they shouldn't be updated. frankly, when i moved to virginia, i thought it was a little weird that they did have jefferson davis highway, but when people say it's jd highway for so lock, just changing it can be hard, especially when you change it to the name of a president that a lot of people
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didn't think had a successful presidency. but i understand why it's a nice nod to -- you give a nod to the first black president. i don't know enough about the -- >> people say we don't like him. >> it's not about liking. >> it's about what they represented. i've got to go. >> caused a bad problem. >> i've got to go. >> not as bad as trump. >> good evening. >> with don lemon. that's it for us tonight. thanks for watching us. see you back here tomorrow.
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a trip back to the dthe doctor's office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home... ...with neulasta onpro?
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strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%... ...a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to neulasta or neupogen (filgrastim). ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. so why go back there? if you'd rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro.
8:59 pm
9:00 pm
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